Byford Bushrangers Inc.
powered by TidyHQGeneral Committee monthly meeting,
Please review the description/details of each agenda item. To view click the "View Full Meeting Details" button at the bottom of the email
Teams Link will be sent out via email prior to the meeting.
Minute Taker
Bushrangers Secretary
BS |
Bushrangers President
President | BP |
Bushrangers Treasurer
BT | |
Deligate (Geoff Watson)
DGW | |
Deligate (Lisa Clark)
DLC | |
Bushrangers Baseball VP
BBV | |
Bushrangers President
President | BP |
Bushrangers Chief coach Teeball
BCC | |
Bushrangers Registrar
BR | |
Bushrangers Events Officer
BEO | |
Bushrangers Assistant Registrar
BAR | |
Bushrangers Grounds person
BGP | |
Bushrangers Publicity
BP | |
Bushrangers Secretary
BS | |
Bushrangers Softball VP
BSV | |
Bushrangers Uniform Officer
BUO | |
Teeball Vice President
Deligate (Brooke McCormack)
DBM | |
Bushrangers Chief coach Baseball
BCC | |
Bushrangers Chief Coach Softball
BCC | |
Bushrangers Chief Umpire Baseball
BCU | |
Bushrangers Chief Umpire Softball
BCU | |
Bushrangers Chief Umpire Teeball
BCU | |
Bushrangers Equipment Officer
BEO | |
Bushrangers State champs Teeball
1 | Meeting Open | For Noting | |
2 | Special item | For Discussion | |
3 | Previous Minutes Presented | For Action | |
4 | Correspondence | For Noting | |
5 | Finance report | For Action | |
6 | By Laws sign off | For Action | |
7 | GENERAL BUSINESS | For Discussion | |
7. 1 | Monthly meeting day time | For Action | |
7. 2 | Meeting Process & expectations | For Discussion | |
7. 3 | Sponsorship proposal | For Action | |
7. 4 | Have a Go Day | For Action | |
7. 5 | Sub-committee | For Discussion | |
7. 6 | Website | For Action | |
7. 7 | Teeball 13-16yrs | For Discussion | |
7. 8 | softball awards | For Action | |
7. 9 | Australia Post | For Action | |
7. 10 | General | For Discussion |